Immortal Empire

 You are a god.
 At the beginning of time, you watch as the first people appear.
 Their lives are so short, you think. Why do they die so easily? You wish that you could make them immortal like you.

I am a god. Can I make people immortal? In this book, I have to make several choices. This was my first time to read a book like this. It was interesting for me to choose stories. There are different endings.

This time, I could not make people immortal. In addition, the ending is not happy. was bad end😢. I told people to build a university. Thanks for builting university, people became wiser. For example, science or math... But, that made people don't believe a god! So, I show people my  appearance (Actually, I didn't want to do like that thing... )

Finally, people came to believe me (=a god) again and they destroyed the university😱.
They only need God. They donot need any knowledge! I couldn't help laughing when I reached ending! Because the ending was so far from my expectation!

I think everyone can enjoy this book. What will your endings be?
Let's try to read😊❤

Benevides, M. (2015). Immortal Empire. Florida and Tokyo: Atama-ii Books.


  1. This is the first time when I read a book like this.
    This was my first time to read a book like this.

  2. they destroyed university
    they destroyed the university

    What will your endings?
    What will your endings be?


